My Grandpa's Karaoke

My 2022 State Fair entry.  It is a working karaoke machine in a scale retro TV cabinet.  I'll be reworking and updating it soon.

Antique Telegraph Repeater

This is the coolest vintage electronic device I've seen so far!  It's currently in my inspiration area, and will be added to an upcoming project.

Consignments (Joe, Utah)

Joe recently moved to Utah, but left me a bag of cigar boxes and other goodies for upcoming projects.  Check out the cool '60's portable transistor radios!

Consignments (Cindy & Karl, Dallas)

Cindy & Karl are planning a series of projects with me, starting with these three pieces.  BTW, my speaker projects are very popular as gifts! Ho, ho, ho!

Argus 35mm Camera

Vintage Argus 35mm camera with refractor telescope lens.  Will likely be a companion piece for an audio player.

Special Order, Summer '23 Only"Frankenstein" Bluetooth Speaker (2 sold)Inspired by the Edgar Winter song of the same name, this model features a plasma "spark" globe, lighted vacuum tubes, knife switch, working meter, and more!  Presentation production inside and out!  Serialized and signed.

Order it today on Etsy....

My 2023 State Fair of Texas Entry and summer special order model, named "Frankenstein" after the Edgar Winter song. See it at the fair (my fingers are crossed)!