*I was actually born in the mid-20th century, but have recently traveled mentally to the 1890's to experience Victorian and Gothic culture.

My artistry is a veritable time-machine. Just three years past I first explored my curiosity of possible combinations of sound and sight, as I anticipated the coming age of vacuum tube devices, in the early 20th century, with multiplicities of audio loud-speakers, featuring lighted electrical globes, their warmth and settling glow able to sooth the most deep melancholy, miniature wire coils and condensers no larger than a pencil's width, and electrical switches enclosed in a hard black material so as to avoid, with great effect, the unpleasant sensation of electrical current when accidentally contacted with the human body.

But I have now set the dials of my time-machine backward to once again reflect, in my own art, the greatest period of invention and human imagination, the late 19th century.  Past industry, lacking until now both knowledge and foretelling of electrical devices, and despite the discovery of electricity in the late 18th century, now benefits from the likes of great thinkers and inventors Morse, Tesla, Bell, and Edison, as well as our foremost writers (Poe, Wells) who explore with substantial curiosity possible future modes of communication, travel, and scientific discovery. Each has each raised the convenience and efficiency of our everyday lives, and deserve our most earnest reverence and gratitude.  

And so, it is upon this greatest of all journeys I now depart, exploring a new aesthetic and invention of things to come.  Welcome to Nexus Studio!

Gary Eugene Sullivan, February 1899*

Telephone 817-771-2959 Electronic Mail gsullivan@nexusstudiopro.com